The National Multiple Sclerosis Society now has an educational series called Relationship Matters. We have been receiving updates on this course and noticed that the presenters of this course are using Dr. Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages as one of their references. We have read this book a couple of times to help our own marriage and have found it extremely helpful. Dr. Chapman has several versions of The Five Love Languages available, plus many other resources, through his website, All materials are available in both book and audio CD versions. Some books are also available in large print and DVD versions.
We have used a couple of other resources to help our relationship grow. One is the book Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Many churches offer this series in a small group DVD format and you may be able to find a class in your area. Dr. Eggerich’s books are available through his website,
Our favorite is Mark Gungor’s Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage. This is a very entertaining and insightful DVD series that pretty much anyone can sit down, watch, and gain something from, even if they are resistant to working on a relationship. We even loaned this DVD set to our parents who enjoyed it very much. Mark Gungor’s materials are available through his website,
If you are dealing with the cognitive issues of multiple sclerosis, it is very important to have clear communication and support from your significant other. Many of the misunderstandings caused by cognitive problems can be identified and worked out if you have a close, loving relationship with your support partner. All of these materials can help you if you are having relationship problems. We would encourage you to visit these websites and explore the resources available. Many of these books are also available through
5 years ago
Very timely, I am told repeatedly that I don't tell people things or that I was told something when I would swear otherwise....IT makes me crazy. I will be so sure of something and I will be denied by everyone. Somewhere along the way, laughter, forgiveness, and Letting go is the only way to survive this. LISTS are critical as are carefully planned details of my day. I get more done and I am more satisfied that MS isn't "controlling" me and my DH.